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Neutrinos - messengers from the centre of the Sun and the Earth
Quarta-feira, 16 Janeiro 2013,  2:30
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Por: Sofia Andringa

Laboratório de instrumentação e física experimental de particulas


Data: 16 de Janeiro 2013

Hora: 14:30
Local: Anfiteatro 1 - CLAV



The "solar neutrino problem" was solved in the beginning of the XXI century by revealing that neutrinos have mass and oscillate. Today, these effects are understood and neutrinos can now be used to study their sources. Recently, algo Geo-neutrinos have been measured, providing constraints of radiogenic heat from the Earth. SNO+, a new neutrino experiment starting next year, will measure both Solar and Geo-neutrinos. What can it contribute to a better understanding of these and other Earth properties?

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